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“Lab Europe” is a project for young people who are interested in and enjoy working creatively with other young people from Europe in one of the five labs we offer. The topics and genres of the labs range from performance and music to visual arts, history, digital media and games. The labs are accompanied by professional cooperation partners in different cultural fields. The participants bring in their own perspectives, experiences and skills and share them with the others. In the end, something common emerges from this: an exhibition, a concert or a performance.

The project will take place in the city of Osnabrück in northwest Germany. The city, along with the city of Münster, became famous primarily because of the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, which brought long-awaited peace to Europe after the 30 Years War. As “Sites of the Peace of Westphalia,” the town halls of the cities where this peace was negotiated and concluded have been awarded the European Heritage Label.

Deadline 11. June



Lab Europe | Osnabrück, Germany 17.–27. August 2023


Find out more about our project!



“NOW YOU – Rethinking Dialogues”

In a time of great political challenges, the dissolution of international social contracts and increasing nationalisms, art can be a field of experimentation for new forms of dialogue. In the Visual Arts Lab, you will have the opportunity to conduct an artistic research project on the topic of “new forms of communication” and to question existing forms in an open artistic discourse. The results of the lab will be presented in an exhibition in the hase29 art room!



“Banished (cultural) Practices”

Kunsthalle Osnabrück and Theater Osnabrück, together with artist and art mediator Simon Niemann, invite you to a Europe-wide artistic research. It is about (cultural) practices that are lost or newly emerge in the course of mechanization, global pandemics or repressive power structures, become dominant and inscribe themselves into our everyday life. The gathering of concrete practical examples from all participants will be the starting point for the development of a public performance.



Mixed media – mixed messages?!

The Digital Media and Games Lab will be dedicated to the topic of “Communication Difficulties”. Participants will have the opportunity to implement their own media projects on the distortion of discourses and the construction of realities. On fake news, filter bubbles or troll armies – in short, on the current (im)possibility of talking to each other in and through media. Media experts from the European Media Art Festival, LAG Jugend und Film Niedersachsen e.V. and the Medienwerkstatt werk.statt will support you in your work.



War and Peace in European Memorial Culture

How will we remember Europe in the future? Will Europe ever achieve lasting peace? The Museumsquartier Osnabrück, the Erich Maria Remarque Peace Center and the memorials Gestapokeller and Augustaschacht cordially invite you to look at the communication about past and present wars in Europe. Because the communication about conflictual pasts founded wars or promoted peace.

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